Monday, March 21, 2011


We almost always have carrots in our house... but we rarely eat them for dinner. Carrots around here are usually eaten raw with a dip. But last night I made carrots for dinner and they were fabulous. Brian said they were the "best carrots he had ever had". So, in case you have overlooked carrots as well, here is an easy recipe that will help promote them from 'healthy snack' to 'main attraction'.

1. Chop carrots diagonally & boil until tender. ( I used 4 medium carrots).
2. On medium heat add 1 tbsp. each of butter, Dijon mustard & brown sugar.
3. Season with salt & pepper. Stir constantly until carrots are evenly glazed.
4. Transfer to serving bowl & sprinkle with chives.

Enjoy. We sure did.