My friend Kim has a rant about wearing yoga pants in public on her blog right now. I love it. Everyone has something that 'irks' them & sometimes it's so superficial or minor that it can be comical. For example, my husband has a SEVERE disstain for Beyonce. It came out of nowhere, but it cracks me up. If we are at the mall & a Beyonce song comes on, he will leave the store we are in. He also dislikes the word 'dejavue' simply because of her song. If Beyonce donated her eyes to a blind child he would still hate her. It's absurd. But I get it. Because I, like everyone else has things (or people) that get under my skin.

10 Mini Rants
1. Saturn. I get it. They went out of business. But I paid $3000 extra for warranties on my car. And now no one can help me out without charging me a bundle, on days like today, when my keys are stuck in my ignition & I can't get my car to turn off (looong story).
2. Ty Pennington. I've mentioned this before I am sure... I want to puke when I see him. Why does he have to scream all the time? He's obnoxious. And his sleeveless plaid shirts piss me off (it worked in the 90's for Foo Fighters, but you are NO David Grohl & it's 2010!), combine that with his repeated DUI's and I just want him to take a long walk off a short plank.
3. Boy pee. This is gross so I won't go into detail, but how hard can it be to get your pee in the potty? Makes me dislike Unisex bathrooms.
4. People who don't watch SNL or The Office. Because that instantly makes 55% of what I say mean nothing to these people. The same goes for Star Wars. Go ahead, call me a geek, but if you don't notice my 'hilarious' Jedi mind trick as I am talking to you, I understand, but I feel frustrated.
5. The 'ingenuine* guy' at Starbucks. He hates his job, and I can tell. Dude: Your fake smile & guyliner aren't fooling anyone.
6. Guyliner.
7. The grocery flyer's in Okotoks. WHY do they wrap the elastics to tightly around them? I have to cut them open. You'd think they had something special inside, but no, just the latest deals on Kellogg's Rice Krispies. For that much work, there should at least be a free temporary tattoo.
8. Mail-in rebates.
9. Sweatpants with writing on the bum. I own 2 pairs. But really, does the word ABERCROMBIE make my bum look any smaller? Unlikely.
10. Barbie. I was in a toy store the other day looking at girls stuff (because there is a 50/50 chance this is a girl...) and I noticed that Barbie has taken to looking rather 'loose' lately. In fact, some of them look like a
working girl. I was excited when those Puta-esque Brats dolls were no longer being sold but it seems Barbie swooped right in to fill the void of 'slutty dolls' available for purchase.

Gotta Mini Rant? I want to hear it. I love this stuff!
Post it in the comment section.
* Technically "ingenuine" isn't a word. But it is on, so I can use it, right?