Wednesday, May 7, 2008


pres·sure [préshər]n (plural pres·sures) 1. process of pressing steadily: the applying of a firm regular weight or force against something or somebody The pressure of her hand on his was comforting. 2. constant state of worry and urgency: powerful and stressful demands on somebody’s time, attention, and energy, or one of many demands of this sort 3. force that pushes or urges: something that affects thoughts and behavior in a powerful way, usually in the form of several outside influences working together persuasively 4. physics force per unit area: the force acting on a surface divided by the area over which it acts. Symbol p 5. atmospheric pressure: atmospheric pressure
[14th century. From Latin pressura , which was formed from the stem press- (see press1).]

I am feelin' it... (in more ways that one!)
First, there is the constant pressure against my lungs. When I answer the phone, out of breath, everyone asks "What are you doing?". I'd love to say "running on the treadmill" but the fact of the matter is, I am just out of breath. All the time. And don't even get me started on my bladder pressure....
Second, is the pressure to get things done. There is so much I want to finish (or at least start) before this baby arrives. I have a million layouts in my head that I would like to complete. And although I am working less, I am sleeping more, and cannot seem to find the time to Scrapbook.
While I don't believe in "getting caught up", there are some pages I would like to complete now, while I am in the moment. Here are the themes of a couple layouts I would love to make happen... any ideas would be greatly appreciated...
1. Names. A layout highlighting our final choices for Boy & Girl names.
2. Why we didn't find out the sex.
3. My ultrasound pictures (if I can figure out how to print them out...)
4. Nesting. A layout featuring my SUPER organized pantry, linen closet, scrapbook room & more.
5. The construction of the Babys Room (still taking place... Yikes!)
6. My maternity clothes. What I loved (LONG shirts) What I hated ($$$).

1 comment:

Erin said...

I totally identify with "pressure". I sounded like I was running a marathon ALL THE TIME when I was preg. I couldn't sit for more than an hour, I went to the bathroom every 45 mins, more if I drank alot of water, I didn't sleep - no I still have not slept - since I conceived. I did alot of empty LO's with just simple titles and empty spaces for journaling and photos before I had my son. Then after he was born and I felt like it again I just added the photos and did some quick journaling.
As for the name page remember when Starbucks was promoting the movie "Akela and the Bee"? They had these cards in the store with words to spell sort of like flash cards. I snagged one that said Euonim - which aludes to names and put it on the page I did about choosing a name for my son.
I ended up scanning ultrasound photos and I added them to the page I did about not being able to find out if my son was going to be a girl or boy.
If you would like to see what I have done, I can bring the book by the store on Friday as I have to go to Calgary. If you are interested email or call me on my cell 393-2720. Hope I can help!
PS LOve your store, try to stop when I have a moment!