Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm so vain....

Today I took a test to measure my level of narcissism. I heard about it on a show I was watching, I thought that I might score a 20/40. I have decent self-esteem but definitely have my own hang-ups. I scored an 18/40.... which I was surprised to hear is higher than average (the average is 15). I was also surprised to hear that the highest score ever was by Robin Quivers. I don't even know who that is (I had to google her) she'd be annoyed to hear that! Haha!

Take the test yourself at:

Here are the detailed results of my test:

Your score for Authority is HIGH
Your score for Self-sufficiency is LOW
Your score for Superiority is MEDIUM
Your score for Exhibitionism is LOW
Your score for Exploitativeness is MEDIUM
Your score for Vanity is LOW
Your score for Entitlement is LOW 

Let me know how you do! (I am honestly interested in the results of people I know...or maybe I just want to order you to do something...I am after all, one heck of an authoritarian!)


Tasha said...

I scored exactly the same as you--ha!

Jennifer DeWolfe said...

I guess I am more average than you at 16 ;) Don't know if I agree with them all ... what out I might exploit you ?!?!?

Your score for Authority is HIGH
Your score for Self-sufficiency is HIGH
Your score for Superiority is LOW
Your score for Exhibitionism is LOW
Your score for Exploitativeness is MEDIUM
Your score for Vanity is LOW
Your score for Entitlement is LOW

Lee-Anne said...

Was thinking of you and checked out your blog. Hope things are going good for you. I did the test and got the same score as you, but scored different in the categories. LOL. Have a good night!

Your score is

Your score for Authority is MEDIUM

Your score for Self-sufficiency is MEDIUM

Your score for Superiority is MEDIUM

Your score for Exhibitionism is MEDIUM

Your score for Exploitativeness is LOW

Your score for Vanity is MEDIUM

Your score for Entitlement is MEDIUM