Friday, June 29, 2012


... of doing the things I should be doing to get ready for this weekend (Canada Day long weekend!), I am blogging. We spent the morning outside, I mowed the lawn for the first time since I was pregnant. I almost dislocated my arm starting it, but I did it. Wait a minute, that sounds like we had grass up to my knees, but we didn't. Our lawn does get mowed, Brian does it. This was the first time I did it. (FYI: I also avoid putting out garbage & doing kitty litter, these are the 'man jobs' in our house). We also drained the kids pool to free the grass underneath. And Miles, who loves to help out, watered the plants. He was soaked by the end of it, and he informed me that he didn't want to water the 'stinky ones' (rosemary).

Now I am going to escape from the sun, but not the heat, by baking some muffins. I am excited to try a new brand of gluten free muffins, I don't eat gluten free, but my father-in-law does (or should) so I thought I'd see if these would be something he would like. I'm going to make them with chocolate chips. mmmm.

Have a super-sunny & fabulous Canada Day weekend everyone!

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