Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Things.

 This weekend it finally FELT like spring. Maybe it was the sun in my face, maybe it was spending an entire weekend outside.... maybe it was just that I want it to be spring so badly. We still have snow in our backyard but I am ignoring it (maybe it will go away if I do). I love our yard in Spring. I love the clothes on the line, the toys in the yard & all the other little things spring brings (say that 10x fast). My pots are waiting to be filled with flowers, my lily is reaching for the surface, my grass is getting green along the edges....
 I am actually allergic to mushrooms. They make me sick. But I loooove the look of them. They are so cool, each of them is so unique. So I fell in love with these garden treats I saw at the dollar store (Yup! The dollar store!). It was so hard to only pick 3. I hope they hold up well, I love 'pottery' (my inner hippie chick) but it often doesn't survive outside in Canada. I would have a million lawn ornaments if it wouldn't look so trashy. I love the frogs, pigs & snails I see in the gardening them. And this year I find myself wanting chickens. Real ones. I am dying to have farm fresh eggs & as Jess put it today 'my own little urban farm'. Ok, I don't want goats: I've seen how they eat everything! But I wish we were allowed a couple chickens... luckily for my neighbors it is not allowed ;) For now I will just have to be happy with clay ones...
I have to admit I have COACH rubber boots. And until this year I didn't want to get them muddy. They are white (What on earth was I thinking?) and almost $200. What a waste of money. But at the time I loved them. Now I want them to enjoy the Spring as much as Miles' little boots do. These boots get a lot of love. They go out everyday and meet up with puddles, mud & molehills. I love his little boots. I can't wait for the ground to thaw so he can really test out the mud. I'm jealous of kids in the spring. I remember one day at Martin Brown school when it was slushy & I puddle jumped until I was soaked right through ( I think I got in trouble)... I remember it so well, and I know Miles is out there making those memories. Jealous.

1 comment:

kaly said...

Otto and I saw those mushrooms in the $ store today and I was so tempted to buy one... or two... and the adorable owls beside them!

Have you actually checked about getting chickens? My friend Birdie had chickens in her backyard in the middle of the burbs in Calgary! She loved them!