Monday, March 2, 2009

So Proud!

COACH by Lindsay Ross
This fabulous layout (right?) was done by my sister-in-law on Saturday night. Lindsay has been "scrapbooking" for years. If by scrapbooking I mean buying stuff, but never really using it. She is a die-hard perfectionist and in the past when she actually commits to gluing something down, I have done a little celebratory dance.
Linds is so talented. And yeah, she's realated to me.


Carol T said...

I saw this one when I was walking around -- so gorgeous. And I'm jealous of the purse.

Anonymous said...

Linds I am so excited!!! And jealous of your amazing talent!!! Love you Chica!!!

Kitchen Utensil said...

Haley pass on my love for this layout too! I guess I never looked at it when it was finished - I love it Lindsay!!! Great job!