Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am 28. Yesterday was my birthday & I had such a good day. I spent the day with my son (who got me a card with his little giggles recorded onto it), visited my mom & sister-in-law, backed up my photos, went for a drink with my husband & had a good sleep. What more could a girl ask for?
A cake? Brian made that too! Lemon with cranberries. Mmmm. My favorite.
(Aren't the candles cool?)
The Ross family got me Canadian Tire Money to help me buy my weekend at Bloomin' Inn, Brian got me tickets to the Alberta Ballet (the Joni Mitchell show. Love!), I also got a zip drive for my computer (desperately needed), a pedicure (also desperately needed) and a light diffuser for my camera. See? Spoiled rotten. And I thought it would all end when I had kids!
Can't wait to scrapbook it!

1 comment:

Deanna Weber said...

Happy to hear that you had a great day. I can't wait to see the pages that you scrap book.